bʌldʒ; bʌldʒ < bulge >
1 肿胀, 凸出
a bulge in a wall 墙面凸出来
2 容易发胖的部位
3 突然的增多, 暴涨
a bulge in the birth rate
get [have] the bulge on □
胜过, 对┅占优势
鼓胀, 凸出
His stomach bulged after the dinner. 吃过晚餐他的肚子就凸出来了
His face was bulging with mosquito bites. 他的脸上满是蚊子咬的痕迹
2 塞满┅; 装满┅
Her pocket bulged with cookies. 她的口袋塞满了饼乾, 圆鼓鼓的
1 使┅鼓胀, 使┅凸出
Books bulged his briefcase. 书把他的公事包鼓得满满的
2 以┅塞满
He bulged his pocket with marbles. 他的口袋塞满了弹珠