dIˋstrIbjUt; disˊtribjuːt < dis.trib.ute >
dis.trib.ut.ed, dis.trib.ut.ing, dis.trib.utes
1 分配; 分发; 分给
2 a. 配销 (货物) 给零售商
b. 发送; 散发; 传递
distributing handbills on the street 在街上散发传单
3 a. 散布; 遍撒
distribute grass seed over the lawn 在这片草坪上撒遍草籽
b. 分摊; 分布
180 pounds of muscle that were well distributed over his 6-foot frame一百八十磅的
肌肉, 均匀地长在他六尺高的身驱上
4 分类; 归类
5『逻辑』扩充; 周延