drep; dreip< drape >
draped, drap.ing, drapes
1 覆盖; 披上
draped the coffin with a flag 用旗子覆盖灵柩
a robe that draped her figure 遮住她的身材的长袍
2 布置; 悬挂
draping the banner from the balcony 自阳台上悬挂旗帜
3 疲倦地垂著; (因疲倦而) 摊著休息
draped my legs over the chair 将我的双腿放在椅子上休息
垂挂; 悬垂
arranged the cloth to drape over the table legs放置这块桌布, 使它垂挂到桌脚处
1 幔; 窗帘; 帷帐
2 体检; (治疗, 手术时) 覆盖於病患身上的布
围绕在要检查或治疗的部位旁, 及开刀的切口旁
3 缀摺; 下摆
adjusted the drape of the gown 整理长袍的下摆