iz; iːz< ease >
1 舒适; 轻松
2 a. 不痛苦; 不担心
Her mind was at ease knowing that children were safe.知道小孩们安全後她松了口气
b. 自在; 自然
3 a. 轻易; 安逸
rose through the ranks with apparent ease 非常轻易地升级
b. 灵巧; 方便
She practiced until she could play the sonata with ease.她不断练习奏呜曲直到熟练为止
4 (手头) 宽裕
a life of luxury and ease 豪华且宽裕的生活
5 休息; 放松; 休闲
He took his ease by swimming pool. 他到游泳池边休息一下
eased, ead.ing, eases
1 免於痛苦; 免於忧心
He eased his conscience by returning the stolen money.他还回偷来的钱让良心好过一些
2 a. 减轻不舒服; 缓和痛苦
She shifted position so as to ease her back.她换了位置让她的背舒服些
b. 缓和; 平息
prescribed a drug to ease the pain 开个药方以缓和痛苦
3 延缓
eased the burden on her staff by hiring temporary help雇用临时人员以减缓她职员的负担
4 减轻压力; 放松
ease off a cable 放松粗索
5 减少困难; 减少麻烦
ease credit terms 放松借贷期限
eased the entrance requirements 放松入内的要求
6 缓慢且小心地移动
eased the car into a narrow space 小心将车驶入狭窄的空间
eased the director out of office 小心地将董事送离办公室
1 放松; 减轻
pain that never eased 从未减轻的痛苦
2 轻易地移动; 不费吹灰之力地进行
eased through life doing as little as possible 过安逸的生活
at ease
1 稍息
put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection等待检阅时要兵士们稍息
2 稍息的口令


