Ikˋspoz; ikˊspouz | ˏєkspoˋze; ekˊspouzei < ex.pose >
ex.posed, ex.pos.ing, ex.pos.es
1 a. 使暴露; 使面临
exposed themselves to disease 使他们罹患疾病
exposed their children to classical music使他们的小孩接触古典音乐
b. 使 (底片) 曝光
2 使可见; 使显露
Cleaning exposed the grain of the wood. 清理木头使纹理显露
3 a. 揭露
b. 揭发, 揭穿
expose a criminal 揭发一名罪犯
4 a. 遗弃
b. 使蒙受
an officer who exposed the troops to enemy crossfire使军队陷於敌人的交叉火网的军官
< ex.po.se >
1 暴露, 揭发 (of)
2 阐述