fʌs; fʌs < fuss >
1 大惊小怪; 骚动
There was a lot of fuss on moving day. 搬家那天起了不小的骚动
2 a. 大惊小怪
made a big fuss over one low test grade 对低分成绩大惊小怪
b. 反抗; 抗议
The longer working hours caused a big fuss. 较长的工作时间引起了很大的抗议
3 争吵
4 兴奋; 注意
Everyone made a fuss over the new baby. 每个人都对新生的宝宝非常感兴趣
fussed, fuss.ing, fuss.es
1 小题大做; 大惊小怪
2 过分操心
fussed over their children 过分操心他们的孩子
3 为 (不必要的事) 紧张
fussed with the collar of his coat 操心他外套的领子
4 反抗; 抱怨
使烦扰; 使急躁