graUnd; ɡraund | graUnd; ɡraund < ground >
1 a. 地面
b. 海底; 河底
2 土地; 土壤
level the ground for a lawn 整平土地作为草地
3 (常作 grounds) 特殊的场所
a burial ground 埋葬场
parade grounds 游行的场地
4 (常作 grounds)
院内; 庭园
a guesthouse on the grounds of the mansion 大宅邸院内的一间旅馆
5 立场; 主张
The soldiers held their ground against the enemy. 士兵们坚守立场, 对抗敌人
Character witnesses helped the defendant stand her ground in the trial.保证人帮助被告在审讯时稳住阵脚
6 背景; 底色
a ground of white paint under the mural 以白漆作底的壁画
7 背景
8 (常作 grounds) 立论的基础
9 (常作 grounds) 根据; 理由
grounds for suspicion 怀疑的根据
a ground for divorce 离婚的理由
10 领域; 主题
The professor covered new ground in every lecture.这位教授每次的演讲都会提出新的见解
11 (常作 grounds) 沉淀; 渣滓
coffee grounds
12 ((缩)) gnd.『电子』
a. 接地装置
b. 地线
ground.ed,, grounds
1 把┅放在地上
2 为 (理论) 基础; 成为┅的理由
3 成为┅的基础
4 a. 使 (飞机、飞行员) 著陆
b. ((口语)) 禁足
6『航海』使 (船) 搁浅
7 a.『棒球』滚地球
b.『美式足球』掷成滚地球 (以避免对方争球)
1 著陆
grounded to the second baseman 打到二垒手位置的滚地球
3『航海』(船) 搁浅
ground out
drive (run) into the ground
from the ground up
从头到尾地; 彻底地; 完全地
designed the house from the ground up 将房子做一番彻底的设计
learned the family business from the ground up 彻底学习家族的事业
off the ground
Because of legal difficulties, the construction project never got off the ground. 由於法律上种种的困难, 这项建设计画始终未能顺利开始
on (one's) own ground
a sculptor back on her own ground after experiments with painting 一位雕刻家在尝试过几次绘画後, 又回到她的老本行
< ground >
为 grind 的过去式、过去分词