haUˋєvZ; hauˊevә< how.ev.er >
1 无论如何
However he did it, it was every clever. 无论他怎麽做都是明智的
2 任何 (程度) 都
"have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the concerns" (Christopher Lasch)已经开始,虽是不情愿,去承认那些关切的合法性
3 (用法比 how 语意强) 如何能够
However did you get here so soon? 你是如何能够这麽快就到达这儿的?
4 不管怎样; 尽管如此
The book is expensive; however, it's worth it.这本书很贵; 不管怎麽说还是值得的
5 可是; 然而
The first part was easy; the second, however, took hours.第一段很容易; 但是第二段嘛, 却很花时间
1 任何
Dress however you like. 随便你怎麽穿都行
2 ((古)) 虽然; 尽管


