ˋIntәrIst,ˋIntrIst; ˊintrәst < interest >
((缩)) i., int.
1 a. 关心; 好奇心
an interest in sports 对运动的关心
b. 兴致; 兴趣
counts the theater among his interests戏剧也包括在他的兴趣之中
2 (常作 interests) 利益; 私心; 私欲
It is in your best interest to cooperate. 合作对你有最好的利益
She kept her own interests in mind. 她心里存有私欲
3 a. 权益; 利润
an interest in the new company 这家新公司的利润
b. 股份
has interests overseas 有海外的股份
c. 业者; 股东
a petroleum interest
4 重要
She has an interest in the quality of her education.她很重视她教育的品质
5 a. 利钱; 利息
b. 红利
6 a. (有共同利益的) 团体
b. (共同利益的团体所提倡的) 主张
interested, intereating, interests
1 使注意; 使好奇
Your opinions interest me. 你的意见引起我的好奇
2 使感兴趣; 使发生兴趣
tried to interest her in taking a walk 试著使她对散步感兴趣
3『废』关心; 影响
in the interest (interests) of
thinking in the interest of the whole family 为全家人著想
ate breakfast on the train in the interest of time为了时间的缘故, 在火车上吃早餐