mәˋtIrIәl; mәˊtiәriәl < ma.te.ri.al >
1 物质; 材料
2 资料; 原始构想
material for the comedy 喜剧的原始构想
3 (常作 materials) 工具
writing materials 书写的工具
4 衣料, 布料
5 (职位, 活动的) 适当人选
The members of the board felt that she was vice-president material.董事会委员们认为她是副总裁的适当人选
1 物质的; 由物质构成的
"the moral and material welfare of all good citizens" (Theodore Roosevelt) 所有好公民的精神与生理上的福祉
3 肉体的
"Great man are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)所谓伟人, 应能明白精神力量将胜过一切物质; 也就是说, 思想足以统治世界
4 重要的
testimony material to the inquiry 对查询的重要证言
辩证的, 推论的