pIn; pin < pin >
1 a. 大头针
b. 针类物; 别针 (如安全别针)
c. 一点; 些微
didn't care a pin about that matter 对那件事一点也不在乎
2 用以塞紧之物; 用以支撑之物
a. (
外科手术用以锁定碎骨的) 轴钉
b. (固定
牙冠的) 栓
c. 开尾锁
d. 钥匙插进锁孔的部分
e.『音乐』琴轸, 调弦栓
3 饰针
4 捍面棍
a. (保龄球的) 木瓶
b. (高尔夫指示球洞的) 旗杆
6 (常作 pins) ((口语)) 腿
spry for his age, and steady on his pins 老当益壮, 两腿犹健
7『电子』导线; 引线
a. (印表机上
咬合纸两边小洞的) 齿
b. 针点
pinned, pin.ning, pins
1 (以大头针) 钉住
2 刺入, 刺穿
3 将 (信念; 希望等) 寄托在┅
He pinned his faith on an absurdity. 他将他的信念寄托在一个荒谬的事物上
4 a. 使动弹不得
The passenger was pinned under the wreckage of the truck.那乘客被压在卡车的残骸之下动弹不得
b.『运动』(在摔角中) 压制对方; 将对方摔倒
5 (为表示爱意) 将兄弟会别针赠给 (女孩)
(皮革表面) 粒状的
pin down
1 确定; 使 (事实等) 清楚
was finally able to pin down the cause of the disease终於得以确定疾病的成因
2 强迫 (某人) 表明立场
The reporter pinned the governor down on the issue of capital punishment. 记者迫使州长针对死刑表明立场
pin on
The murder was pinned on a wrong defendant. 将谋杀案归罪於无辜者