ˋpɑstʃZ; ˊpɒstʃә < pos.ture >
1 a. 姿势
a sitting posture 坐姿
b. 态度
assumed a posture of angry defiance 采取愤怒的蔑视态度
2 姿态; 仪态
stood with good posture 优雅地站著
3 相对位置
the posture of the building on the land 建筑物在土地上的相对位置
4 形势; 状态; 立场
"Those bases are essential to our military posture in the Middle East." (Gerard Smith)这些基地对於我们在中东的军事形势十分重要
5 心境; 态度
pos.tured, pos.tur.ing, pos.tures
1 做出夸张的姿势; 表现不自然的态度
2 摆姿势
postur.er, postur.ist