ˋrætL; ˊrætl < rat.tle >
rattled, rattl.ing, rattles
1 a. 发出嘎嘎声
b. 嗄嘎地行进
A train rattled along the track. 火车沿著轨道嘎嘎地行进
2 喋喋不休
rattled on about this and that 不停喋喋不休地说这说那
1 使发出嘎嘎声
rattled the dishes in the kitchen 使厨房里的碗盘嘎嘎作响
2 急速地讲; 顺畅地讲
rattled off a list of complaints 快速地念出一连串抱怨
3 ((口语)) 使慌乱
The accident rattled me. 那意外使我慌乱了
1 嘎嘎声
2 嘎嘎响的玩具
3 (垂死者)
4 (响尾蛇的) 音响构造
5 大声急促的谈话