strєtʃ; stretʃ < stretch >
1 拉长; 拉宽; 拉开
streched the sweater out of shape 把毛衣拉得变了形
2 使拉开
stretched the banner between two poles 将旗子拉开在两根柱子间
3 拉紧
stretched the tarpaulin until it ripped 拉紧防水布直到它裂开
4 伸展
stretched out his hand 伸出他的手
5 a. 伸开 (手脚)
stretches herself after waking up 她醒後伸了伸腰
stretched his calves before running 在跑步之前伸了伸
小腿 b. 伸开四肢躺著
She stretched herself out on the couch and fell asleep她伸开四肢躺在椅子上睡著了
c. 架在 (拷问架上加以折磨)
6 (
扭伤; 拉伤
7 a. 曲解; 歪曲
stretch the meaning of a word 曲解了一个字的意思
stretch one's imagination 任意用想像力
b. 用尽
This situation really stretches my patience.这件事真的磨光了我的
耐性8 a. 扩大; 增加
stretch a budget 增加预算
stretch a paycheck 增加支付金额
b. 尽量将食物供给多人食用
stretch a meal by thinning the stew 把炖煮的菜肴弄得稀薄一些以供多人食用
9 延长
stretch out an argument 延长一项争议
stretch the payments 延後发薪日
10 ((口语)) 击倒
stretched his opponent in the first round 在第一回合中击倒他的对手
1 延长; 伸展
2 绵延
"On both sides of us stretched the wet plain." (Ernest Hemingway)在我们两边绵延著湿润的平原
3 平躺
stretched out on the bed for a nap 平躺在床上小憩一番
4 伸展四肢
5 延续
"This story stretches over a whole generation." (William Golding)这个故事延续了一整个世代
1 伸展
2 伸展的范围; 弹性
3 绵延
an empty stretch of highway 公路空旷的绵延
4 直线跑道
5 a. 一段时间
b. ((俚语)) 徒刑
served a two-year stretch 服两年徒刑
c. ((口语)) 最後的阶段
6『棒球』投手在投球前将双手高举过头, 而後将双手放低於
1 易伸缩的
stretch pants 伸缩裤
2 (交通工具) 扩大载客量的
stretch (one's) legs
(久坐後) 散步